Did I achieve it?
I ate $8.64 worth of the $11.71 food that I bought. I still have over a kilogram of rice and half a kilogram of flour left, plus one and a half onions.
Here is the food I ate:
$ 1.99 — Cereal
$ 1.47 — Flour ($0.78 worth left)
$ 1.63 — Rice ($2.06 worth left)
$ 2.00 — Potatoes
$ 1.05 — Spaghetti
$ 0.39 — Apples
$ 0.11 — Onions ($0.23 worth left)
$ 8.64 — Eaten
$11.71—SpentI could have saved a little by buying less rice and cheaper flour, but it would be a matter of cents rather than dollars.
What I've learned is that I can eat very cheaply with regular ingredients—none of my purchases were discounted—if I am prepared to spend time cooking and searching for good deals in stores.
Another thing I've learned is that serious self-denial is INCREDIBLY frustrating. On the last day of the challenge I walked past dozens of cafes, bars, restaurants, and fast food outlets after eating rice for breakfast and anticipating nothing but rice for lunch. Later I walked through the supermarket without buying anything. It drove home the fact that I spend more on food in a typical day than I have over this last week, and I do it so thoughtlessly. When the decisions became deliberate and came with a real cost, the focus switched to what I couldn't have rather than what I could, and a poverty mentality kicked in.
I began thinking about what I would eat next, and talking about food with others. It had become a non-casual subject. My life pivoted on the acquisition and preparation of food. I would imagine in some regions of the world it is this way every day.
So, did I make it? Well, I finished the week and came in under budget. It was a loooooong week. It threw up new challenges, and detrivialised the spending of money. This may be a lasting change, and a good one.
Well done! Your flour-based experiments are something I can only aspire to. Are you going to become one of those strange blokes who loiters round supermarkets at closing time looking for 9p bread and reduced packets of cheese?